Tuesday 28 April 2009

Questions for the Ideas in context (A218) Additional science exam

Article 1 – Acids in the body (C6)
Why do we need acid to digest food?
Why are acids made as waste products when we exercise?
What is the active ingredient in an antacid?
What is the pH of an acid, a neutral solution and an alkali? What colour would you expect each to turn in UI?
Give an example of an acidic compound which is solid, one which is liquid and one which is a gas (at room temperature).
What is the main hazard symbol used on containers containing acid?
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) are both compounds containing carbonate. Carbonate ions have a charge of -2. Explain why the formulae of these two compounds contain different numbers of metal ions.
What is the balanced chemical equation, including state symbols, for hydrochloric acid and magnesium carbonate?
What is the balanced chemical equation, including state symbols, for the reaction of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate?
Which salts are formed from a reactions between: sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide; nitric acid and calcium hydroxide; hydrochloric cid and potassium hydroxide. Write balanced equations for each reaction.
Explain neutralisation in terms of ions, using an ionic equation and state symbols.
Calculate the relative formula mass of magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate and sodium hydrogencarbonate.
Why is our blood usually slightly alkaline?
What patterns are there in the data?
Can you predict the time taken to produce 5cm3 gas at an acid concentration of 60g/dm3
How many cm3 are there in a dm3?
Is there enough data for you to draw a conclusion?
What further data could be useful in strengthening the conclusion?
Use the collision theory to explain why the time taken to produce the gas was different at different concentrations.
How could the experiment be improved to make the results more accurate?
How could the experiment be improved to make the results more reliable?
List the side effects that are experienced when taking the antacids. Is it worth suffering from these? Explain your answer.

Article 2 – help for patients with kidney failure (B4)
What is homeostasis?
Give example of two physical situations which affect homeostasis.
Why is it important that the amount of water in our body is regulated?
Explain the terms diffusion, osmosis, partially permeable membrane and active transport.
List how are body gains water and how it loses water?
What organs other than the kidney will excrete water?
What are the main constituents of urine of a healthy person at rest?
What factors can affect the concentration of urine?
Which hormone controls water balance? Where is it produced? What is the effector organ where it works?
Explain the negative feedback process which controls the concentration of urine
Explain how alcohol affects the concentration of urine? Does ecstasy have the same effect? Explain your answer.
Explain how exercise would affect the concentration of urine.
What percentage of the UK population develop chronic kidney failure a year?
What is the maximum number of times a dialysis machine could be used in a week?
By what process do chemical wastes pass from the blood into the dialysis fluid? Why do proteins not pass out o the blood? What would the presence of protein in the urine indicate?
Suggest reasons why different patients might require different numbers of dialysis sessions
Give two reasons for and two reasons against kidney transplants
A data question would be useful to explain why certain substances present in the blood and in the urine in different amounts

Article 3 – A time-line of scientific discoveries about light (P6)
Note: This article could be supported by demonstrations using a ripple tank.
Draw a horizontal time-line which is roughly to scale, which includes the names of the scientists and the year of their discovery. Add the main points about their work.
List the colours of the visible spectrum in order
What colour would a red object appear through a blue filter and why?
List the types of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum in order. Think of one main use of each type of radiation.
Explain how light is refracted. Draw a diagram to help you
Explain why different colours are refracted at different angles
Draw a diagram of a transverse waveform. Label the amplitude and wavelength accurately
Is light a particle or a wave? List the evidence for both theories.
List the different types of electromagnetic waves in order of wavelength.
In what ways are sound waves different from light waves?
Explain the terms reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference. Draw diagrams to help you.
Give three pieces of evidence that you would use to convince someone that the radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum behave like waves. Explain your choices of evidence.
How far would an electromagnetic wave travel in a vacuum in one minute?
How long does it take a radio signal to travel from the UK to New Zealand which is 18,000 km away?Suggest three reasons why ideas about light and how light travels have changed over the years.

This is where you will find the additional specification that will help with your revision

(A214) Ideas in context Core science exam

Here are some questions for the core ideas in context exam (A214)
It is essential that students are familiar with HSW vocabulary
Article 1 – B2: Does homeopathy really work?
Explain the theory of how homeopathy works? (3)
Do homeopathic doctors have any evidence that homeopathy works? (3, 4)
Is there any evidence that homeopathy has side effects? (3, 5)
What is meant by the term ‘peer review’? (4)
Why do conventional doctors mean by ‘the placebo effect’? (3, 4)
What could be done to show that homeopathic effects are such a ‘placebo effect’? (4, 6)
Do conventional doctors accept homeopathic remedies? Explain your answer? (3, 4)
What similarities and differences are there between the ways conventional medicines and homeopathic remedies are tested for their effectiveness? (4, 6)
What similarities and differences are there between the ways conventional medicines and homeopathic remedies are tested for their safety? (4, 5, 6)
What further information is needed to show the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies? (4, 5, 6)
Homeopathic doctors say there is ‘a correlation’ between patients getting better and receiving treatment. What do they mean by this? Give an everyday example of correlation and cause (2)
Suggest reasons why homeopaths might be reluctant to give up their explanation? (4)
Suggest what ethical issues might arise from the use of homeopathic medicines? (6)
Suggest reasons why conventional doctors might be reluctant to accept homeopathic treatments. (4, 6)

Article 2 – C1: Carbon monoxide – the invisible killer
What is the effect of high concentrations of carbon monoxide on human health? (5)
What are the effects of lower concentrations of carbon monoxide on human health? (5)
What is the scientific explanation for the harmful effects of carbon monoxide? (5)
What can home-owners do to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in their homes? (5, 6)
List the main sources of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere
What steps have been/are being taken to reduce carbon monoxide emissions from a) traffic, b) domestic usage (5, 6)
Describe the pattern from the graph showing emissions of carbon monoxide from houses. Use data in your description (1)
Compare the emissions of carbon monoxide from houses and traffic over time. Use data in your comparison (1)
Is there a correlation between the two graphs? Explain our answer? (1,2)
Can you suggest reasons for the patters shown in a) the traffic graph, b) the domestic graph? Use data to support our answer (1,2)
Suggest reasons why the data presented in the graph may be inaccurate? (1)
What other information do you need to be able to evaluate the data for accuracy and reliability? (1)
Suggest how developments in technology might effect carbon monoxide emissions in the future? Give reasons for your answer (6)
Suggest four ways that atmospheric pollution caused by exhaust emissions might be reduced in the future? (6)
What does the Government currently do to enforce the reduction of exhaust emissions? (5)

Article 3 – P2: The risk from microwave radiation
Use the data to compare the output of microwave radiation from mobile phone masts, mobile phones themselves and wireless network transmitters. Put them in order of output. Which do you think poses the greatest risk to human health? Why? (1)
What are the possible risks to human health of low level microwave radiations? (5)
What is the scientific evidence that low level microwave radiation can have such harmful effects? Is it reliable? Explain your answer (1, 5)
Is there sufficient evidence to justify schools switching off wireless computer networks? Would you recommend collection of further evidence? If so, what might this be? (1, 5)
Can you apply the ALARA principle to the use of wireless networks in schools? Explain your answer (5)
What evidence is there that mobile phone masts are harmful? Is this evidence reliable? What further evidence might be needed? (1, 5, 6)
What is meant by the term ‘double-blind trial’? (4)
What was the outcome of the ‘double-blind trial?
Is the evidence from the ‘double blind trial’ more reliable than from the first study? Explain your answer (4)
Is it important that the results from the trial are published in a scientific journal? Explain your answer (4)
Who funded this trial? Explain the advantages and disadvantages for the involvement of each of the funding bodies (4, 6)
In your view are the alleged health risks of microwave radiation from mobile phone masts, mobile phones themselves and wireless network transmitters real or perceived? Explain your answer, giving an example (from the article) of a related perceived risk and a related actual risk (5)
Why do you think schools are unwilling to accept the alleged health risks of network transmitters (use the term the ‘precautionary principle’ in your answer) (5)

Use the link below to look up the specification. it can help you with the ideas in context content

Tuesday 24 February 2009

11B - So so sorry! But here is the spec for P6 anyway!

Hello Chaps.

I'm so sorry you didn't get this before your test today... I lost my password and it has taken me an age to work it out (I'm putting it down to old age creeping up on me!)

Anyway I was going to try and remind you of areas that have been covered by pasting in the specification for this bit.... AS EVER IF YOU GET STUCK... COME IN AND GET IT SORTED!!!

This will be useful for your revision notes for the main exams anyway so here goes:

What are waves?
1. recall that a wave consists of disturbances that transfer energy in the
direction that the wave travels, without transferring matter;
2. describe the differences between a transverse and a longitudinal wave;
3. recall that the frequency of the waves, in hertz (Hz), is the number of
waves each second that are made by the source, or that pass through
any particular point in the medium;
4. recall that the wavelength of waves is the distance between the same
point on two adjacent disturbances;
5. recall the amplitude of waves is the distance from the top of the crest or
bottom of the trough to the undisturbed position;
6. draw and interpret diagrams showing the amplitude and the wavelength
of waves;
7. use the equation:
• wave speed = frequency x wavelength
(metre per second m/s) (hertz, Hz) (metre, m)
􀁌 Rearrangement of the equation is only expected on the higher tier.
8. recall that the speed of a wave is usually independent of its frequency
and amplitude.

Why do scientists think that light and sound are waves?
1. draw and interpret diagrams showing the reflection of plane water waves
and narrow beams of sound or light from a plane reflector;
2. recognise that wave speed is affected by what waves are travelling along
or through (the medium) and that the speed will change if a wave moves
from one medium into another;
3. explain how a change in the speed of a wave causes a change in
wavelength since the frequency of the waves cannot change, and how
this may cause a change in direction;
4. draw and interpret diagrams showing the refraction of plane water waves,
or beams of light or sound, when they cross a boundary between
different media, relating the change of direction to the change in wave
5. recall that the refraction of light waves and sound waves can be
explained by a change in their speed when they pass into a different
6. recall that light rays for which the angle of refraction would be greater
than 90 degrees cannot leave the medium they are in, and are reflected
and that this is known as total internal reflection;
7. recall that waves can spread out at a narrow gap and that this is called
8. draw and interpret diagrams showing wave diffraction through gaps;
9. recall that light can be diffracted but needs a very small gap, comparable
to the wavelength of the wave;
10. recall that where two waves meet, their effects add and that this is called
11. recall that where two waves arrive in step they reinforce and where they
arrive out of step they cancel out;
12. recall that two light beams can be shown to produce an interference
13. explain interference patterns in terms of constructive and destructive
14. explain how the diffraction and interference of light and sound are
evidence of their wave natures.

Do all types of electromagnetic radiation behave in the same way?
1. recall that the different colours of light in the spectrum have different
frequencies (and therefore wavelengths);
2. list the parts of the whole electromagnetic spectrum in order of frequency
or wavelength (radio waves, microwave, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet ,
X-rays, gamma radiation);
3 recall that the energy delivered by each photon in a beam of
electromagnetic radiation increases with the frequency of the
electromagnetic waves;
4. understand that the intensity of a beam of electromagnetic radiation (the
energy it delivers per second) depends on the number of photons arriving
every second and the amount of energy carried by each photon;
5. know that all types of electromagnetic radiation travel at exactly the
same, very high, speed through space (a vacuum);
6. recall an important difference between electromagnetic waves and sound
waves: electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space, but
sound waves can only travel through a substance (solid, liquid or gas);
7. understand that different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation are
used for different purposes due to the difference in reflection, absorption
or transmission by different materials to include:
• radio waves are not strongly absorbed by the atmosphere so can be
used to carry information for radio and TV programmes;
• some microwaves are strongly absorbed by water molecules and so
can be used to heat objects containing water;
• satellite dishes are made of metal because metals reflect
microwaves well;
• X-rays are absorbed by dense materials so can be used to produce
shadow pictures of bones in our bodies or of objects in aircraft
passengers’ luggage;
• light and infrared radiation can be used to carry information along
optical fibres because they travel through without becoming
significantly weaker.

How is information added to a wave?
1. recall that signals can be carried not only by radio waves and
microwaves through the Earth’s atmosphere and through space but also
by light waves and infrared waves through optical fibres;
2. understand that if a wave is to carry information the waves must be made
to vary in amplitude or frequency, and that the information is carried by
the pattern of the variation, recall that this process is called modulation;
3. interpret diagrams showing how a sound wave can be used to vary the
amplitude or frequency of a radio wave, with a pattern that matches its
own frequency;
4. recall that a signal which varies continuously is called an analogue
5. recall that the job of the receiver is to reproduce the original sound from
the pattern of the variation;
􀁌 Details of any transmission or receiver systems are not required.
6. recall that sound (or other information) can be transmitted digitally (digital
7. recall that, in digital transmission, the sound is often converted into a
digital code made up from just two symbols (0 and 1);
8. recall that this coded information can be used to control the short bursts
of waves (pulses) produced by a source (0 = no pulse, 1 = pulse);
9. recall that when the waves are received, the pulses are decoded to
produce a copy of the original sound wave;
10. know that an important advantage of digital signals over analogue signals
is that they can transmit information with higher quality, i.e. the signal is
less affected by the transmission process;
11. understand that all signals, as they travel, decrease in intensity (their
amplitude becomes smaller), so they may have to be amplified;
12. know that random additions to the original signal (noise) may be picked
up as a signal travels, reducing its quality;
13. know that, when a signal is amplified, any noise it has picked up is also
14. understand that, with digital signals, ‘on’ and ‘off’ states can usually still
be recognised despite any noise that is picked up. The signal can
therefore be cleaned up to remove the noise and restore the original
pattern of ‘on’s and ‘off’s;
15. be able to use these ideas to interpret information about analogue and
digital transmission and to explain why information can be
transmitted digitally with higher quality.

Hmmm... have fun with this... remember if it's not written on the above you can't be tested on it!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

11B - Physics stuff to make sure we finish the course!!!

To do and to answer - this checks your understanding!!!

Is light a wave?
Read Textbook Section D: Radiation and waves. Stop at What
is the medium?
Use the information in the first paragraph to answer these
1 a Write down two sources of light given in the text.
b Write down two detectors of light given in the text.
c What are the three things that could happen to light
when it hits something?
2 Which scientist thought light was a stream of particles?
3 Which scientist thought light was a wave?
On the paragraph below (which is reprinted from the textbook):
4 a Underline two wave properties which are things that also
happen with streams of particles.
b With a different colour, underline all the pieces of
equipment that Young used for his experiment.
c Draw a box around the words that tell you what you
should see on the screen.
d Using a wiggly line underline the word that tells you what
property of waves produces this pattern. (Hint: It happens
to water waves too.)

People have always wondered what light really is. For a long time, scientists
unsure how best to think about light.
Two of the wave properties –
reflection and refraction – do not really provide conclusive
evidence either
way. A wave or a stream of particles would also be reflected by a
And both would be refracted at a boundary where their speed changed.
evidence that convinced scientists it was useful to think of light as a wave
from an experiment carried out by Thomas Young in 1801. Young used a
narrow slit to
produce a fine beam of light from a bright lamp.
He shone
this on a slide with a double slit (two parallel clear lines on a black slide).
a screen about 1 metre away Young saw a pattern of bright and dark
vertical lines. To
understand this, look back at the photograph on page 239
(of the textbook) of
interference in a ripple tank. With water waves, there
are lines of disturbance and lines
of calm water. If the same happens with
light, you would expect lines of brightness and
lines of dimness, spreading
out behind the double slit. On the screen, you should see a
series of bright
and dark patches.